Mazmuna geçiň


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Part of outer Solar System
, , ,
Mass 102430±10 yottagram
Named after Neptune
Demonym Neptunian, Neptunano
Location outer Solar System
Discoverer or inventor Urbain Le Verrier, John Couch Adams, Johann Gottfried Galle, Heinrich Louis d'Arrest
Time of discovery or invention 23 sentýabr 1846
Site of astronomical discovery Berlin Observatory
Child astronomical body Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, Triton, Nereid, Halimede, Sao, Laomedeia, Psamathe, Neso, Hippocamp, Adams ring, Arago ring, Galle ring, Lassell ring, Le Verrier ring, Courage, Égalité 2, Liberté, Égalité 1, Fraternité
Parent astronomical body Gün
Apoapsis 4537039826 kilometre
Periapsis 4459753056 kilometre
Argument of periapsis 44.96476227 degree
Distance from Earth 4300000000 kilometre, 4600000000 kilometre
Flattening 0.0171±0.0013
Orbital eccentricity 0.009456
Orbital inclination 1.77004347 degree, 6.43 degree, 0.72 degree
Orbital period 164.8 year, 60193.2 day
Synodic period 367.49 day
Semi-major axis of an orbit 4503443661±1 kilometre, 30.06992276 Astronomik birlik
Longitude of ascending node 131.78422574 degree
Mean anomaly 256.228 degree
Apparent magnitude 7.67, 8
Magnetic moment 2200000000000000016777216±50000000000000079691776 joule per tesla
Density 1638 gram per cubic centimetre
Temperature 72 Kelwin
Area 7618300000 square kilometre
Volume as quantity 62540000000000 cubic kilometre
Radius 24622±19 kilometre, 24764±15 kilometre, 24341±30 kilometre
Diameter 49528 kilometre
Described by source Ottův slovník naučný, Small Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, New Encyclopedic Dictionary, The Nuttall Encyclopædia, Encyclopædia Britannica 11th edition, Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 4th edition (1885–1890), The New Student's Reference Work
On focus list of Wikimedia project Wikipediýa:Wikipediýada bolmagy gerek sahypalar, Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/4
Wikimedia outline outline of Neptune
Epoch J2000.0
Angular diameter 2.4 arcsecond
Surface gravity 11 metres per second squared
Stack Exchange tag
Unicode character ,
Has part(s) magnetosphere of Neptune
Different from Neptun, Neptune, Neptuno, Neptunus, Q110992732
Commons gallery Neptune (planet)
Commons category Neptune (planet)
Topic's main template Template:Neptune
Topic's main category
Neptune (planet)
Neptun planetasy (gyzyl çyzykly), Gün (merkezdäki jisim), gök reňkli jisim Uran planetasy.

Neptun (simwoly: ♆) — Gün ulgamynyň Günden uzaklygy boýunça sekizinji uly we iň daş planetasy. Ol 1846-njy ýylda açylýar. Günden ortaça uzaklygy (orbitasynyň uly ýarym oky) 30,06m Astronomiki birligi ýa-da 4500 mln km. Orbitasynyň ekssentrisiteti 0,0086, Ekliptikanyň tekizligine ýapgytlygy 1o46,4′. Neptun orbita boýunça 5,4 km/sek ortaça tizlik bilen Günüň töwereginde 164,79 ýylda bir gezek aýlanýar. Neptun ýönekeý göze görünmeýär. Ol has ulaldylyp seredilende, ýaşylymtyl disk görnüşinde bolýar. Onuň diametri Ýeriň ekwatorial diametrinden 3,88 esse uly bolup, 49500 km-e deňdir. Onuň göwrümi Ýeriň göwrüminden 57 esse uly. Massasy Ýeriň 17,28 massasyna deň bolup, ortaça dykyzlygy 1,84 g/sm3-dyr.

Neptun Gün ulgamynyň Günden uzaklygy boýunça sekizinji uly we iň daş planetasydyr. Ol 1846-njy ýylda açylýar. Günden ortaça uzaklygy (orbitasynyň uly ýarym oky) 30,06 astronomik birligi ýa-da 4500 mln km. Orbitasynyň ekssentrisiteti 0,0086, ekliptikanyň tekizligine ýapgytlygy 1o46,4′.

Neptun orbita boýunça 5,4 km/sek ortaça tizlik bilen Gunüň töwereginde 164,79 ýylda bir gezek aýlanýar. Neptun ýönekeý göze görünmeýär. Ol has ulaldylyp seredilende, ýaşylymtyl disk görnüşinde bolýar. Onuň diametri Ýeriň ekwatorial diametrinden 3,88 esse uly bolup, 49500 km-e deňdir.

Onuň göwrümi Ýeriň göwrüminden 57 esse uly. Massasy Ýeriň 17,28 massasyna deň bolup, ortaça dykyzlygy 1,84 g/sm3-dyr.

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