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Wikipediýa, erkin ensiklopediýa
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Wikipediýa: erkin ensiklopediýa hoş geldiňiz, Ekonomist!

Salam, indi siz Türkmençe Wikipediýada. Goşant goşmakçy bolsaňyz ilki bilen ýörelgeler bilen tanyşmak ündelýär. Wikipediýada özgerişlik geçirip bilersiňiz.

Eger Wikipediýany öwrenmek isleýän bolsaňyz Ýardam sahypasyna serediň.

Türkmençe Wikipediýany ösdüreliň. --~~~~

--Absar 13:56, 24 September 2006 (UTC)

Salam Ekonomist!

Since you are an expert native speaker, I have supported your admin request here.

Thankyou so much Ekonomist for your excellent-quality translation effort!.
I am very very grateful.
May Turkmen Wikipedia prosper!
In the future, you ever need any articles to be translated to the Chinese language, then I can help you.
Yours Sincerely --Jose77 21:26, 25 July 2006 (UTC)

Ekonomist ben senin yerine başvurdum. m:Requests_for_permissions#Turkmen_Wikipedia Bürokratı olmayan wikipedialar adminliği meta'dan alıyorlar. Memty 12:14, 28 July 2006 (UTC)

Hi there, I have created a stub for the village of Mošovce in central Slovakia in Russian. Could you pls. help me translate it? It's just 1 sentence. Thanks a lot :-)) Peter.

Temporary sysop status request

[çeşmäni düzet]

Hello. I've noticed you're currently inactive, and requested a temporary sysop access on this wiki to cleanup spam etc. Please see [[Talk:Wikipediýa:Ýolbaşçylyk saýlawy#Temporary sysop status]]. Thank you. --.anaconda 13:09, 7 May 2007 (UTC)