ChuispastonBot üçin ulanyjy goşantlary
ChuispastonBot üçin çekişme Blokirleme gündeligi ýüklemeler gündelikler global block log global account erbet ulanmak gündeligi global contributions
A user with 3 edits. Account created on 27 oktýabr 2010.
31 ýanwar 2011
- 16:4016:40, 31 ýanwar 2011 tapawut taryh +570 uj Ulanyjy:ChuispastonBot Add that this bot is now a global bot. häzirki
29 noýabr 2010
- 21:3721:37, 29 noýabr 2010 tapawut taryh +803 uj Ulanyjy:ChuispastonBot Add that this bot is now working on the Toolserver.
27 oktýabr 2010
- 18:0118:01, 27 oktýabr 2010 tapawut taryh +241 Tuj Ulanyjy:ChuispastonBot Automatic creation of bot userpage